
Minggu, 04 September 2011

Similar Animals Four-Legged Snake But Found in Tulungagung

An animal that is considered weird people found Tulungagung, East Java. The shape resembles a snake, but with four legs. Presumably this type of small animals snakes or lizards Lygosoma quadrupes.

The animals are dark black with scaly impressed it has a length of about 20 cm. Residents had called him as a serpent with four legs. The animal was found Anis Tustiyani (31), Monday (29/08/2011) afternoon.

At that time the wife Yoni Wahyuono (33) who happened Lebaran was in the terrace house in the hamlet Bantengan, Mulyasari Village, District Pagerwojo, Tulungagung, East Java.

"The animal went into the house. My wife was scared and cried," said Yoni told via telephone on Tuesday (08/30/2011).
Once observed, finally ventured Yoni catch the odd snake with the help of a broom. "I see there are four legs on the animal. Now I put in the aquarium," said Yoni from Widang, Tuban, this.

The father of two boys did not know what kind of animals he found. "It was the first time this beast into my in-laws house. I do not know what type and where it came from," he said.

From the observation of a man who is now settled in Buduran, Sidoarjo, the animal has some sort of teeth or fangs.
The discovery of an animal with four legs resembling a snake but it also never happened before in the Hamlet Tritih Overlapping Talun Blitar Rejo Village, Kampung Concrete Jebres Surakarta, Bogor, Sukabumi, Sungguminasa Gowa regency of Riau and South Sulawesi.

As reported by wikipedia, the animals were classified as type lygosoma quadrupes snakes or lizards. A kind of small-bodied lizards snakes spread across Southeast Asia. These lizards are also often referred to incorrectly as a snake-legged or four-legged snake.

These long-bodied reptile small, almost cylindrical, overall length up to about 192 mm with a tail about half or slightly less.
Back light brown, grayish, reddish or purplish with little streaks of dark elongated to the tails. The upper side is darker-colored head, with the lower eyelid and upper lip yellowish white to dark.

The down side of the body whitish or whitish light brown striped. Legs very small and central agencies pendek.Di transverse and longitudinal rows of scales smooth scales on top of the spine.

Animals can get out in time the dim, in the daytime lizards hiding under rocks, fallen logs, or infiltrates on the sidelines of sand or soil is fragile.
Lizard snake can be found both in forests and on farms. These animals hunt their prey at twilight, in the form of various small arthropods, especially termites and tempayaknya.

As the name suggests, these lizards run-liukkan twisted his body like a snake, especially when moving quickly infiltrate among the litter, grass, or piles of sandy soil. Useful new short legs when walking slowly.

According to wikipedia, Lygosoma quadrupes found recorded in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, southern China, Hong Kong, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and the Philippines.

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