Darlingtonia californica, also called the Flower of California or the Cobra Lilly, is the sole member of the genus darlingtonia, and Northern California native and Oregon. Mereka grow in swamps and seeps with cold water and, because it is rarely on the plains, this plant is considered biasa.Daun of Cobra Lily rounded and forming an empty cavity, with openings located below the balloon, swelling like structure and two pointed leaves hanging from the tip as taring.Tidak like a big pitcher plants, Cobra Lilly did not use the trap traps, but traps lobster pots. Once inside, the insects are confused with speckles of light allowed to shine through tanaman.Ketika they landed there, there are thousands of fine hairs that grow into dense, hair they can follow a deeper towards the digestive organs, but they can not turn or move backward to escape.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/06/10-tumbuhan-aneh-pemakan-daging.html # ixzz1XkQJDgDI
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/06/10-tumbuhan-aneh-pemakan-daging.html # ixzz1XkQJDgDI
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