Dionaea muscipula, better known as the Venus flytrap, carnivorous plants is probably the most famous, and he ate mainly on insects and arachnids. Venus flytrap is a small plant that has 4-7 leaves that grow from underground stems pendek.Helai leaves are divided into two: a heart-shaped leaf stalks are flattened and a pair of terminal lobes hinged at the midrib, forming a trap which is actually a leaf sejati.Permukaan the inside of the lobes contains red pigment and the edges issuing lendir.Ini lobe plants showed fast movement by placing the cover when the special sensory hairs are stimulated. This plant is so advanced that can distinguish between the stimulus and the stimulus that is not life hidup.Lobus close within about 0.1 / sec. they are constrained by rigid spines or protrusions such as cilia, which cover together and prevent large prey from escaping. Once the prey can not escape and the inner surface of the lobe continues to be stimulated, or gripping the edge of the lobes to grow together, sealing the trap and create a "belly" closed where digestion and absorption can occur.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/06/10-tumbuhan-aneh-pemakan-daging.html # ixzz1XkT5NKYB
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/06/10-tumbuhan-aneh-pemakan-daging.html # ixzz1XkT5NKYB
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