Adansonia Digitata, or Baobab tree is a tree that looks odd that grows in the lowlands in Africa and Australia. Baobab is also called an inverted tree because of the lack of leaves, branches of the Baobab like sticking into the air, as if it had been planted upside down.
Legend has it that the god Thora did not like the Baobab growing in his garden, so he threw it over the top of the wall of heaven to the earth beneath, and although the tree landed upside down but the tree continues to grow. Another story that when the Baobab was planted by God, but the tree kept walking, so God pulled the tree up and menanannya upside down to stop it moving.
Baobab is recognized by Africans because all parts can be utilized. In addition to being an important source of wood, the trunks of hollow by those often used for shelter, grain storage or as reservoirair.
Baobab can grow to a height of 5 to 30 meters and has a trunk diameter of 7 to 11 meters. A Baobab in Limpopo Province, South Africa, often considered the greatest example of Baobab trees are still alive. The tree has a circumference of 47meter - estimated at about 15.9 meters in diameter. Recently the tree was divided into two parts and it is very possible that now is the stoutest tree Sunland Baobab, also in South Africa with a diameter of 10.64 m and an approximate circumference of 33.4 meters. Baobabs can also reach the age thousands of years.
Concave rod also serves as a burial place. Some of the most important product derived from the bark, which contains the fiber used to make fishing nets, ropes, sacks and clothing.
The bark can also be ground into a powder for flavoring food. Baobab leaves are traditionally used for leaven but are also used as a vegetable. bijijuga fruits and edible for humans and hewan.isi of fruit, when dried can be mixed with water, making the beverage that tastes similar to lemonade. The seeds, which taste like creamtartar and a source of vitamin C, traditionally pounded into meal when other food is scarce. Other products such as soap, necklaces, glue, rubber medicine, and the fabric can be produced from various parts of the baobab tree.
source: # ixzz1XkUlu29u
Legend has it that the god Thora did not like the Baobab growing in his garden, so he threw it over the top of the wall of heaven to the earth beneath, and although the tree landed upside down but the tree continues to grow. Another story that when the Baobab was planted by God, but the tree kept walking, so God pulled the tree up and menanannya upside down to stop it moving.
Baobab is recognized by Africans because all parts can be utilized. In addition to being an important source of wood, the trunks of hollow by those often used for shelter, grain storage or as reservoirair.
Baobab can grow to a height of 5 to 30 meters and has a trunk diameter of 7 to 11 meters. A Baobab in Limpopo Province, South Africa, often considered the greatest example of Baobab trees are still alive. The tree has a circumference of 47meter - estimated at about 15.9 meters in diameter. Recently the tree was divided into two parts and it is very possible that now is the stoutest tree Sunland Baobab, also in South Africa with a diameter of 10.64 m and an approximate circumference of 33.4 meters. Baobabs can also reach the age thousands of years.
Concave rod also serves as a burial place. Some of the most important product derived from the bark, which contains the fiber used to make fishing nets, ropes, sacks and clothing.
The bark can also be ground into a powder for flavoring food. Baobab leaves are traditionally used for leaven but are also used as a vegetable. bijijuga fruits and edible for humans and hewan.isi of fruit, when dried can be mixed with water, making the beverage that tastes similar to lemonade. The seeds, which taste like creamtartar and a source of vitamin C, traditionally pounded into meal when other food is scarce. Other products such as soap, necklaces, glue, rubber medicine, and the fabric can be produced from various parts of the baobab tree.
source: # ixzz1XkUlu29u
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