Aldrovanda vesiculosa, also known as plant water mill, is interesting plants without roots, carnivores, and also aquatic plants. usually eat small vertebrates, using a mechanism called a trap trap snap.Tanaman rod is mainly composed of floating freely, reaching 6 - 11cm in length. Trap leaves grow along the 2-3mm grew from 5-9, in succession along the stem near the center of the plant. Trap attached to the petioles, which contain air, and assist in pengapungan.Ini plant is growing very fast and can reach 4-9mm per day, in some cases even generate new thread every day. As the plant grows from one end, the other end will continue mati.Perangkap basically consists of two lobes together to make a trap out trap menutup.Bukaan of dots, and covered in layers of the hair trigger, which will cause the trap to clap shut down when any prey that comes too close. speed trap shut is 10 milli / sec, making it one of the fastest examples of plant movement in the animal kingdom.
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