Marine (dok. HealthDay) Jakarta, Indra a keen sense of smell dogs do not be doubted. That is why some dogs have trained ability to detect various diseases, one of which is a Marine, a dog trained to detect colon cancer.
Japanese scientists have discovered that dogs can distinguish people with colorectal cancers. A dog types labrador retriever named Marine were trained to sniff out colon cancer with amazing accuracy and accurate as high-tech diagnostic tools.
9 year old female dog was able to identify people with colon cancer after being given a sample of breath and feces colon cancer patients.
The findings, published in the British Medical Journal suggests that the chemical compounds associated with certain cancer circulating in the body, enabling development of tests for various types of cancer that can be applied even in the early stages of disease.
However, researchers say is impractical and expensive to hire and train animals to screen live patients. Instead, sensors will be developed 'electronic nose' that can sniff out certain chemicals produced by cancer cells and circulate in the bloodstream.
Marine trained at St. Sugar Cancer Sniffing Dog Training Centre in Chiba, Japan. Since 2003, Marine was trained as rescue dogs to rescue drowning people by dragging it to shore.
But in 2005, his training was changed to cancer detection. For four years he learned to distinguish the smell of a dozen different types of cancer, including breast, stomach, prostate, bladder and skin.
In a recent study of colon cancer, Marine completed the 74 tests sniff each comprising five breath samples or feces, one sample of cancer patients.
"He might react with unique smell cancer. If we can identify the material that causes odors, then this could be used for early detection of cancer," said Hideto Sonoda from Kyushu University, as reported by the Independent on Tuesday (01/02/2011).
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Japanese scientists have discovered that dogs can distinguish people with colorectal cancers. A dog types labrador retriever named Marine were trained to sniff out colon cancer with amazing accuracy and accurate as high-tech diagnostic tools.
9 year old female dog was able to identify people with colon cancer after being given a sample of breath and feces colon cancer patients.
The findings, published in the British Medical Journal suggests that the chemical compounds associated with certain cancer circulating in the body, enabling development of tests for various types of cancer that can be applied even in the early stages of disease.
However, researchers say is impractical and expensive to hire and train animals to screen live patients. Instead, sensors will be developed 'electronic nose' that can sniff out certain chemicals produced by cancer cells and circulate in the bloodstream.
Marine trained at St. Sugar Cancer Sniffing Dog Training Centre in Chiba, Japan. Since 2003, Marine was trained as rescue dogs to rescue drowning people by dragging it to shore.
But in 2005, his training was changed to cancer detection. For four years he learned to distinguish the smell of a dozen different types of cancer, including breast, stomach, prostate, bladder and skin.
In a recent study of colon cancer, Marine completed the 74 tests sniff each comprising five breath samples or feces, one sample of cancer patients.
"He might react with unique smell cancer. If we can identify the material that causes odors, then this could be used for early detection of cancer," said Hideto Sonoda from Kyushu University, as reported by the Independent on Tuesday (01/02/2011).
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source: # ixzz1X089LH7L
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