DARWIN - On the waters of the Adelaide river, there is a big crocodile. It is not fear, but fear of residents to the big crocodile is actually an attraction for the residents who fear but also curious to see closely how the shape of the crocodile.
The tourists are willing to spend their money to rent a boat and feel the sensation and can be stressful when the crocodile came to the boat rental.
5.4 meters long giant crocodile in the Adelaide River, South Australia / Dailymail
One of the tourists who are interested and have felt the sensation of being close to a giant crocodile is Bridgeford Katrina. Katrina who is a photographer it did not escape the giant crocodile target 5.4 meters long and weigh 2 tons which emerged from the water immediately attracted by the lure of the tour guides who depend kangaroo meat by using a pole.
Because posture is very large, the crocodile called Brutus.
"He has a high adrenaline," said Katrina. "He came so close and almost in the boat we could touch it."
As reported by Dailymail, Wednesday (13/07/2011), the existence of Brutus has become a byword in the area around Darwin, Australia. Brutus who lost his front leg is believed to be due to a fight with a shark in the river mouth. The story is likewise the one who makes people more curious to see first hand the monster crocodile.
"When the crocodile was removing himself from the water, all shouting exclaimed," said Katrina.
Tourism cruise ship to watch the alligators leap is a major tourist attraction in the southern region of Australia that attracted much public attention in northern Australia.
Thousands of 'monster' alive in the waters around Darwin region, South Australia. so local governments warn people in the tourist area not to swim or wash their vehicles in the water.
They were also told not to camp near the river because the crocodiles roam up to several miles inland.
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source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/08/berani-mengunjungi-buaya-raksasa-di.html # ixzz1X08uLo5K
The tourists are willing to spend their money to rent a boat and feel the sensation and can be stressful when the crocodile came to the boat rental.
5.4 meters long giant crocodile in the Adelaide River, South Australia / Dailymail
One of the tourists who are interested and have felt the sensation of being close to a giant crocodile is Bridgeford Katrina. Katrina who is a photographer it did not escape the giant crocodile target 5.4 meters long and weigh 2 tons which emerged from the water immediately attracted by the lure of the tour guides who depend kangaroo meat by using a pole.
Because posture is very large, the crocodile called Brutus.
"He has a high adrenaline," said Katrina. "He came so close and almost in the boat we could touch it."
As reported by Dailymail, Wednesday (13/07/2011), the existence of Brutus has become a byword in the area around Darwin, Australia. Brutus who lost his front leg is believed to be due to a fight with a shark in the river mouth. The story is likewise the one who makes people more curious to see first hand the monster crocodile.
"When the crocodile was removing himself from the water, all shouting exclaimed," said Katrina.
Tourism cruise ship to watch the alligators leap is a major tourist attraction in the southern region of Australia that attracted much public attention in northern Australia.
Thousands of 'monster' alive in the waters around Darwin region, South Australia. so local governments warn people in the tourist area not to swim or wash their vehicles in the water.
They were also told not to camp near the river because the crocodiles roam up to several miles inland.
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source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/08/berani-mengunjungi-buaya-raksasa-di.html # ixzz1X08uLo5K
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