Spiders contribute untold to the earth's ecosystem. They clean the harmful insect populations, maintain plant and animal matter. Their silk is a natural wonder, and can be utilized for military and industrial applications for manusia.Berikut is the most deadly spider known to man.
The spider is an animal that many people used for various scientific and research objects. In addition, spider silk merupankan one amazing product produced by this animal. But behind it all spiders is also the most poisonous animal on and off in the world.
Here are a few kinds of spiders the most poisonous in the world:
The Red Back spider
Redback spider (red back) are found all over Australia. Redback females usually black with traces of red and orange stripes on the back. The spider has a neurotoxic venom, and when bitten can cause muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting and sweating. The most fatal is the cause paralysis and death.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/08/5-laba-laba-paling-beracun-di-dunia.html # ixzz1X0WDzmp7
The spider is an animal that many people used for various scientific and research objects. In addition, spider silk merupankan one amazing product produced by this animal. But behind it all spiders is also the most poisonous animal on and off in the world.
Here are a few kinds of spiders the most poisonous in the world:
The Red Back spider
Redback spider (red back) are found all over Australia. Redback females usually black with traces of red and orange stripes on the back. The spider has a neurotoxic venom, and when bitten can cause muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting and sweating. The most fatal is the cause paralysis and death.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/08/5-laba-laba-paling-beracun-di-dunia.html # ixzz1X0WDzmp7
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