This plant is indigenous from the Swiss Alps in the State of purple, clustered tip of the stalk. These plants usually adorn meadow at the foot of the Alps was beautiful. But the mosquitoes really do not like, because the scent of this flower makes mosquito dizzy. Why? Because lavender contains linalool and lynalyl acetate. Both of these substances can be obtained from the refining process to be made into anti-mosquito.
Do we have to distill the lavender? Well hassle dong, we just planted them in pots or soil near the bedroom window kita.harganya 5000-7000 rb / plastic bags size 3 x 5 cm, approximately 30-50 seeds lavender it ready for planting.
source: # ixzz1XkYZjNmR
Do we have to distill the lavender? Well hassle dong, we just planted them in pots or soil near the bedroom window kita.harganya 5000-7000 rb / plastic bags size 3 x 5 cm, approximately 30-50 seeds lavender it ready for planting.
source: # ixzz1XkYZjNmR
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