Having a pet can usually help to reduce stress and make the owners more healthy. But there are some animals that just makes you sick. What?
Not all animals can be kept and some are even potentially dangerous infectious diseases.
Although looking cute and adorable, cats can also spread the disease in humans. 50 to 90 percent of cat bites can get you infected. On rare occasions, a cat bite can cause bone infections or encephalitis.
Cats can also spread tularemia and rabies and toxoplasmosis. The bacteria that cause tularemia and the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis is usually carried by other animals, but cats that are outdoors or in contact with other animals can spread the disease to humans.
People suffering from toxoplasmosis, usually because of contact with contaminated cat feces or eating contaminated food or water. Toxoplasmosis can cause severe damage to the brain, eyes or other organs.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/08/hewan-hewan-yang-bisa-bikin-orang-sakit.html # ixzz1X07a6PJM/2011/08/hewan-hewan-yang-bisa-bikin-orang-sakit.html # ixzz1X07DJpre
Not all animals can be kept and some are even potentially dangerous infectious diseases.
Although looking cute and adorable, cats can also spread the disease in humans. 50 to 90 percent of cat bites can get you infected. On rare occasions, a cat bite can cause bone infections or encephalitis.
Cats can also spread tularemia and rabies and toxoplasmosis. The bacteria that cause tularemia and the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis is usually carried by other animals, but cats that are outdoors or in contact with other animals can spread the disease to humans.
People suffering from toxoplasmosis, usually because of contact with contaminated cat feces or eating contaminated food or water. Toxoplasmosis can cause severe damage to the brain, eyes or other organs.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/08/hewan-hewan-yang-bisa-bikin-orang-sakit.html # ixzz1X07a6PJM/2011/08/hewan-hewan-yang-bisa-bikin-orang-sakit.html # ixzz1X07DJpre
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