Ever heard the name Lamut? Maybe Sapodilla? Two of this name turns out is the name for our Sapodilla fruit. Many people in the western world compare this with the caramel sweetness of fruit or candy. Be careful eating this fruit, because if the seeds are swallowed, often mischievous and stuck on your neck! The uniqueness of this fruit is ripe will never dipohon, must be picked first, then he will mature.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/06/orang-barat-bilang-ke-10-buah-buahan.html # ixzz1XkMDvXFj
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2011/06/orang-barat-bilang-ke-10-buah-buahan.html # ixzz1XkMDvXFj
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