Rambai fruit this season once a year. Rambai fruit taste sour and sweet, with fruit that contains the segment 2-4. The fruit is almost similar to the tan / Duku, who membedakanyaRambai Indomalesia spread from the Pacific toward the West. Usually the fruit rambai emergence is a sign that the fruit of the season will end soon.
Alhamdulillah, some types of fruits have been tasted in the fruit season this time. Actually there are many fruits typical of the interior that have not had time to feel because it's not too much is produced and sold only in certain areas, such as red durian fruit, and fruit lahong tarap.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpIfWMvD
Alhamdulillah, some types of fruits have been tasted in the fruit season this time. Actually there are many fruits typical of the interior that have not had time to feel because it's not too much is produced and sold only in certain areas, such as red durian fruit, and fruit lahong tarap.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpIfWMvD
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