Of all the strange plants in the world, many plants need insects meat .. like meat, and they are carnivorous plants. All carnivorous plants are found in areas where the soil has very little nutrients. These interesting plants are categorized as carnivores because they make traps insects and arthropods, produce digestive juices, dissolving the prey, and most, of their nutrition from this process. Plant is the first book written by Charles Darwin, in 1875, "Insectivorous Plants". After the discovery and further research, it is believed that the nature of the meat-eaters evolved on six separate occasions, from five different orders of plants berbunga.sekarang found more than 630 different species of plants berbunga.Ada five basic mechanisms of traps used and found in all plants: such as Fly Paper traps, trap blow, trapping bags and lobster pot trap. I wanted to show some of the plants, using the mechanism of each, so you can also see the differences between the genera berbeda.10. Sarracenia
Sarracenia, or pitcher plants, carnivorous plants is the genus on the east coast, Texas, a large lake and south eastern Canada, with most species found only in the state tenggara.Itu is also the first with a trap crop that will be discussed. plant leaves have evolved into a funnel, with a hood-like structure developed over the opening to prevent rain water from diluting the fluid pencernaan.Serangga attracted by the color, odor and nectar-like secretions on the lip teko.permukaan slick, assisted in at least one species, with medicinal nectar lacing , causing the insects to fall into and they will die and digested by proteases and other enzymes
Sarracenia, or pitcher plants, carnivorous plants is the genus on the east coast, Texas, a large lake and south eastern Canada, with most species found only in the state tenggara.Itu is also the first with a trap crop that will be discussed. plant leaves have evolved into a funnel, with a hood-like structure developed over the opening to prevent rain water from diluting the fluid pencernaan.Serangga attracted by the color, odor and nectar-like secretions on the lip teko.permukaan slick, assisted in at least one species, with medicinal nectar lacing , causing the insects to fall into and they will die and digested by proteases and other enzymes
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