This wanyi fruit flesh white colored sweet smelling acidic and very sharp. oval fruits such as mango, its size is greater than mangoes.
there is a danger of this wanyi riding, tree sap that is, if we are exposed to the sap effect is itching.
Fruit wanyi living in Kalimantan forests, and most numerous in East Kalimantan, unfortunately in this fruit is hard to see what areas in the cities,. Even if there is only one tree palingan are still alive.
but if in the woods may be still a lot of the meet. sangking scarcity of seeds nanama Thank God I've aged a year. hehee
source: # ixzz1XpHhKoM4
there is a danger of this wanyi riding, tree sap that is, if we are exposed to the sap effect is itching.
Fruit wanyi living in Kalimantan forests, and most numerous in East Kalimantan, unfortunately in this fruit is hard to see what areas in the cities,. Even if there is only one tree palingan are still alive.
but if in the woods may be still a lot of the meet. sangking scarcity of seeds nanama Thank God I've aged a year. hehee
source: # ixzz1XpHhKoM4
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