Before Yuri Gagarin made history by becoming the first man in space on 12 April 1996, a long trial of non-human astronaut was launched into the atmosphere to determine whether life forms could survive in space.
Even after the manned space missions become a routine procedure, the animals continue to be used for space experiments. The astronauts of animals have been instrumental in helping people succeed in space travel, this is one of these deserving animals.
The launch of Air Force Aeromedical Laboratory "Albert" (June 1948 - August 1950) at White Sands, NM is the first experiment using primates. Albert, first launched on June 11, 1948. Unfortunately he did not survive (in fact, he did not even get into space). It was only on June 14, 1949, Albert II became the first monkey in space when he reached an altitude of 83 miles.
Even after the manned space missions become a routine procedure, the animals continue to be used for space experiments. The astronauts of animals have been instrumental in helping people succeed in space travel, this is one of these deserving animals.
The launch of Air Force Aeromedical Laboratory "Albert" (June 1948 - August 1950) at White Sands, NM is the first experiment using primates. Albert, first launched on June 11, 1948. Unfortunately he did not survive (in fact, he did not even get into space). It was only on June 14, 1949, Albert II became the first monkey in space when he reached an altitude of 83 miles.
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