Genlisea, better known as the corkscrew plants, consisting of 21 species and generally grow in wet ground for semi-aquatic environment, and spread throughout Africa, central and south.Genlisea America is a small plant with yellow flowers that take advantage of lobster traps (traps are easy to enter but impossible to get out, such as using small hairs grow toward the entrance or in this case, which had pushed forward spiral). this plant has two types of leaves - leaf photosynthesis on land, underground and leaves specifically to attract, trapping and digesting organisms minutes, such as underground protozoa.daun also perform root tasks, such as absorbing water and the harbor, as the plants do not have this underground apapun.Daun form hollow tubes in the underground, the tube has a corkscrew shape push forward, and with the help of a constant water flow, tiny microbes can make their way into the tube, but can not find their way out again. When they reach the part inside the tube, they will be digested and absorbed.
source: # ixzz1XkPJw4vP
source: # ixzz1XkPJw4vP
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