
Minggu, 04 September 2011

Namdur Females, Bird Most Materialistic

Bowerbird or Namdur male birds, like most of the males of other species, females seek the attention of potential mates by showing off wealth.

For example, he can collect up to five thousand pieces shelf, bones, shells, to the various man-made objects to build a nest where it will wait for a female who is interested. And like most males in general, male Namdur also boasted of what they have.

In addition, male Namdur also be ladies with beratraksi in front of the female by singing and showing off the other. Namdur females then males will choose the most "rich" who has the best nests, and interesting and that berbakatlah the right to marry.

Apparently, that's not all. John Endler, ecologists from Deakin University in Australia report, Namdur male birds also use the jewels that they collect to create an optical illusion.

As quoted from Discovermagazine, December 25, 2010, Namdur male birds will adjust their knick-knacks from largest to smallest size. They are arranged in such a way as to form a path leading to their nest.

Preparation of knick-knacks that make their nests as if it look smaller, while the male looks dashing for the females who look toward the nest.

"Using this trick, called forced perspective, males can seduce the females that pass by their body posture that seemed huge," Endler said.

When the objects that are constructed Namdur males were randomized, they then immediately return the order to the correct position, according to which they have previously made. Because, if not attractive, female Namdur will just leave that poor male nest.

source: # ixzz1WzsngMfU

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