(Photo: REH Rae, Grand Champion American Blue Doe, May 2007)
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Kamis, 15 September 2011
(Photo: REH Rae, Grand Champion American Blue Doe, May 2007)
(Photo: REH Rae, Grand Champion American Blue Doe, May 2007)
(Photo: TJK's AM45 Dwight, Grand Champion American Blue Buck, Dec 2006)
(Photo: TJK's AM45 Dwight, Grand Champion American Blue Buck, Dec 2006)
Ini adalah REW Jr Buck dimiliki oleh Gayle Gordon,
Foto oleh Helga Vierich-Drever, Edmonton AB Kanada.
Tampaknya telah ada koloni kelinci ini dibesarkan di
Kanada di sebuah komunitas Hutterit, yang merupakan denominasi Kristen
gereja. Helga dan Gayle membeli kelinci dari beberapa Hutterit
sepuluh tahun lalu dan diberitahu bahwa mereka kulit putih Selandia Baru.
Cerita ini Hutterit dibeli kelinci ini dari Amerika Serikat dalam
1920-an dan telah membesarkan mereka untuk daging sejak itu.
Info ini bentuk ekor burung dengan sejarah kelinci domestik. Bob Whitman
kata ini bisa sangat baik menjadi kawanan yang terisolasi di Amerika sejak
1920-an ada kulit putih lebih banyak dari kulit putih Amerika Selandia Baru
untuk dijual.
Helga telah mengambil mereka untuk menunjukkan kelinci sebagai kulit putih Selandia Baru dan tidak
melakukannya dengan sangat baik. Saya pikir jika mereka diletakkan di meja menunjukkan sebagai Amerika
Kulit putih, mereka akan melakukan jauh lebih baik.
Lihatlah kedalaman tubuh pada uang dan kepenuhan pinggang
dan bagian kaki belakang dan pinggang. Tubuh mandolin mengetik pada kelinci ini sangat baik,
menilai dari foto.
Helga dan Gayle sangat bersemangat untuk berpikir bahwa mereka memiliki warisan sejati
berkembang biak di kandang kelinci mereka.
Mereka saat ini memiliki kawanan 38 kulit putih, dengan Blues sering bermunculan
dalam tandu. Apa penemuan menarik!
Link baru diposting 11-10-07
Klik link di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan ke website Rabbitry Spike Emas
Lebih Amerika Foto
Bukan hanya rasa ingin tahu sejarah, Amerika adalah daging yang baik, bulu dan menunjukkan kelinci. Dengan beberapa perawatan pemuliaan
(File Foto: sampah Biru, Maret 2005, MFO Rabbitry, Sacramento, CA)
Bukan hanya rasa ingin tahu sejarah, Amerika adalah daging yang baik, bulu
dan menunjukkan kelinci. Dengan beberapa perawatan pemuliaan, Amerika bisa menjadi
hewan besar dan tangguh, dengan tandu besar dan berat badan yang cepat
potensial. Seorang Amerika yang baik adalah besar dan sulit untuk mengabaikan di acara
Alasan itu telah bertahan selama hampir 100 tahun adalah karena
potensi yang dikembangkan oleh Lewis H. Salisbury. Potensi ini
di sana, menunggu untuk disadap oleh para peternak kelinci Amerika.
(File Photo: Biru / Blue Pearl sampah, Mei 2004, MFO Rabbitry, Sacramento, CA
Pearl Biru (sebelumnya disebut Frosties) adalah warna kesalahan genetik yang ditemukan
dalam beberapa garis darah orang Amerika. Hal ini diyakini disebabkan oleh chinchilla
gen warna dan non-ekstensi gen warna. Blue Pearl dihapus dari
program pembiakan. Tapi mereka yang lucu.)
Perbarui 6 Mei 2009: Blue Pearl diri non-ekstensi chinchilla warna gelap.
Ini akan terlihat seperti ini di singkat warna genetik: aaB-c (PJK)-ddee
Ini adalah kura-kura biru chinchillated. Hal ini disebut Blue Pearl
kelinci Angora warna panduan yang hanya berkembang biak yang mengakui
untuk menunjukkan. Agar konsisten kita akan menyebutnya Mutiara Biru sini juga.
Bukan hanya rasa ingin tahu sejarah, Amerika adalah daging yang baik, bulu
dan menunjukkan kelinci. Dengan beberapa perawatan pemuliaan, Amerika bisa menjadi
hewan besar dan tangguh, dengan tandu besar dan berat badan yang cepat
potensial. Seorang Amerika yang baik adalah besar dan sulit untuk mengabaikan di acara
Alasan itu telah bertahan selama hampir 100 tahun adalah karena
potensi yang dikembangkan oleh Lewis H. Salisbury. Potensi ini
di sana, menunggu untuk disadap oleh para peternak kelinci Amerika.
(File Photo: Biru / Blue Pearl sampah, Mei 2004, MFO Rabbitry, Sacramento, CA
Pearl Biru (sebelumnya disebut Frosties) adalah warna kesalahan genetik yang ditemukan
dalam beberapa garis darah orang Amerika. Hal ini diyakini disebabkan oleh chinchilla
gen warna dan non-ekstensi gen warna. Blue Pearl dihapus dari
program pembiakan. Tapi mereka yang lucu.)
Perbarui 6 Mei 2009: Blue Pearl diri non-ekstensi chinchilla warna gelap.
Ini akan terlihat seperti ini di singkat warna genetik: aaB-c (PJK)-ddee
Ini adalah kura-kura biru chinchillated. Hal ini disebut Blue Pearl
kelinci Angora warna panduan yang hanya berkembang biak yang mengakui
untuk menunjukkan. Agar konsisten kita akan menyebutnya Mutiara Biru sini juga.
Menurut standar Amerika Peternakan Breeds Conservancy, ini berkembang biak telah dinilai sebagai "kritis" untuk potensi kerugian (punah).
(Foto: Jacot yang Biru Senior Doe, Feb 2004)
Menurut standar Amerika Peternakan Breeds Conservancy, ini
berkembang biak telah dinilai sebagai "kritis" untuk potensi kerugian (punah).
Imperial Blue sudah punah. Blue Wina hilang dari
AS dan sulit untuk menemukan di Jerman. Kami mendorong peternak untuk mengambil
di Amerika dan Putih Biru sebagai hewan warisan, untuk melestarikan
berkembang biak yang unik untuk sejarah nasional kita dan budaya.
(Catatan: kelinci diterima ALBC ke dalam misi mereka di September 2005
dan Amerika dinilai sebagai "Kritis" dalam daftar mereka.)
.::.Sumber.::.Menurut standar Amerika Peternakan Breeds Conservancy, ini
berkembang biak telah dinilai sebagai "kritis" untuk potensi kerugian (punah).
Imperial Blue sudah punah. Blue Wina hilang dari
AS dan sulit untuk menemukan di Jerman. Kami mendorong peternak untuk mengambil
di Amerika dan Putih Biru sebagai hewan warisan, untuk melestarikan
berkembang biak yang unik untuk sejarah nasional kita dan budaya.
(Catatan: kelinci diterima ALBC ke dalam misi mereka di September 2005
dan Amerika dinilai sebagai "Kritis" dalam daftar mereka.)
Karena perkembangan kelinci jenis kompak dan komersial seperti Selandia Baru dan California
(Foto: 2003 Pemuda Best of Breed, ARBA Konvensi Wichita, Pemilik: Ryan Haag)
Karena perkembangan kelinci jenis kompak dan komersial seperti
Selandia Baru dan California, Amerika telah berkembang biak kehilangan nya
posisi sebagai pemimpin dan sekarang benar-benar diabaikan oleh komersial
pasar. Saat ini ada sejumlah peternak kecil yang setia
menjaga hidup orang Amerika asli.
.::.Sumber.::.Karena perkembangan kelinci jenis kompak dan komersial seperti
Selandia Baru dan California, Amerika telah berkembang biak kehilangan nya
posisi sebagai pemimpin dan sekarang benar-benar diabaikan oleh komersial
pasar. Saat ini ada sejumlah peternak kecil yang setia
menjaga hidup orang Amerika asli.
(Foto: Warna Biru Amerika seharusnya menjadi terbiru dari semua kelinci biru. kulit putih Amerika, Pemilik: Rebecca Reugsegger, Upper California Utara)
Dimaksudkan sebagai kelinci daging dan bulu, panggilan standar Amerika untuk
dolar untuk menimbang £ 9 dan tidak untuk menimbang berat badan £ 10 di senior.
Lama dalam tubuh, Topline tolak belakang bahu, Topline meningkat
tinggi di atas bagian kaki belakang dan pinggang dan turun lagi, dengan pinggang gemuk lebar.
Warna Biru Amerika seharusnya menjadi terbiru dari semua
kelinci biru.
.::.Sumber.::.dolar untuk menimbang £ 9 dan tidak untuk menimbang berat badan £ 10 di senior.
Lama dalam tubuh, Topline tolak belakang bahu, Topline meningkat
tinggi di atas bagian kaki belakang dan pinggang dan turun lagi, dengan pinggang gemuk lebar.
Warna Biru Amerika seharusnya menjadi terbiru dari semua
kelinci biru.
Rabu, 14 September 2011
Kelinci Biru Amerika yang berasal berasal dari Pasadena, California
Kelinci Biru Amerika yang berasal berasal dari Pasadena, California, dikembangkan dan diperkenalkan oleh Lewis H. Salisbury pada tahun 1917. Seperti orang Amerika banyak, kelinci berkembang biak Amerika adalah kombinasi dari imigran dilas bersama oleh darah menjadi ciptaan yang jelas berbeda dan Amerika. Setidaknya tiga keturunan yang berbeda dari kelinci digunakan. Berbagai Putih Amerika diperkenalkan pada tahun 1925.
Trah ini sebelumnya berkembang biak langka diakui oleh Asosiasi Peternak Kelinci Amerika. Sekarang adalah nomor 5 paling langka.
Kami mempromosikan diskusi dunia nyata topik nyata yang terkait dengan peternakan, menunjukkan, membesarkan, membeli, menjual, memilih, dan pemusnahan kelinci Biru dan Putih Amerika. Dijual pesan harus mencakup kelinci Amerika dan diperbolehkan pada hari apapun. Dijual pesan dengan peralatan dan perlengkapan yang diizinkan pada setiap hari.
Jika Anda memiliki Juara Grand atau Terbaik Dalam picture Show untuk berbagi di halaman rumah kelompok, silahkan hubungi listowner tersebut.
Saya mengundang Anda untuk bergabung diskusi kita.
Anda tidak harus menjadi anggota klub untuk bergabung dengan kelompok ini.
Memiliki hari yang baik!
Foto: Merah Amerika, Putih, Biru kelinci ditampilkan oleh Chris rami di Crescent City, CA 9/3/11 Foto oleh Allen Messick
.::.Sumber.::.Kelinci Biru Amerika yang berasal berasal dari Pasadena, California, dikembangkan dan diperkenalkan oleh Lewis H. Salisbury pada tahun 1917. Seperti orang Amerika banyak, kelinci berkembang biak Amerika adalah kombinasi dari imigran dilas bersama oleh darah menjadi ciptaan yang jelas berbeda dan Amerika. Setidaknya tiga keturunan yang berbeda dari kelinci digunakan. Berbagai Putih Amerika diperkenalkan pada tahun 1925.
Trah ini sebelumnya berkembang biak langka diakui oleh Asosiasi Peternak Kelinci Amerika. Sekarang adalah nomor 5 paling langka.
Kami mempromosikan diskusi dunia nyata topik nyata yang terkait dengan peternakan, menunjukkan, membesarkan, membeli, menjual, memilih, dan pemusnahan kelinci Biru dan Putih Amerika. Dijual pesan harus mencakup kelinci Amerika dan diperbolehkan pada hari apapun. Dijual pesan dengan peralatan dan perlengkapan yang diizinkan pada setiap hari.
Jika Anda memiliki Juara Grand atau Terbaik Dalam picture Show untuk berbagi di halaman rumah kelompok, silahkan hubungi listowner tersebut.
Saya mengundang Anda untuk bergabung diskusi kita.
Anda tidak harus menjadi anggota klub untuk bergabung dengan kelompok ini.
Memiliki hari yang baik!
Foto: Merah Amerika, Putih, Biru kelinci ditampilkan oleh Chris rami di Crescent City, CA 9/3/11 Foto oleh Allen Messick
Selasa, 13 September 2011
Fruit Acid swivel, also called acid outward appearance
fruit Bemotong gather at the base of the stem

The color purple or white flesh. It was sweet. There is a small seed in the middle. While enjoying, we can only swallow small seeds, such as when we eat the mangosteen.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpMho1Rm
fruit Tarap Fruit tarap look a lot like breadfruit
Fruit tarap look a lot like breadfruit. Her skin was like rubber, arranged neatly. If we touch, the skin will stick to the palms, such as foot lizard. Tarap fruit is the source of energy. Because it's very sweet. Soon after we eat it, then our energy will recover soon.
How to open it is to split longitudinally tarap fruit. Then the fruit skin will easily peel us. That is left are the grains of ripe white ready to be enjoyed. Unfortunately, the fruit smells like Cempedak tarap spreading. So for those who do not like fruit-flavored, maybe not going to like fruit tarap.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpM9Lu8m
How to open it is to split longitudinally tarap fruit. Then the fruit skin will easily peel us. That is left are the grains of ripe white ready to be enjoyed. Unfortunately, the fruit smells like Cempedak tarap spreading. So for those who do not like fruit-flavored, maybe not going to like fruit tarap.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpM9Lu8m
Fruit Kapul Kapul fruit was very similar to the fruit mangis.
Kapul fruit was very similar to the fruit mangis. Only her skin just like bark. Another difference is the tip of the fruit there is no form of stars, while at the base of the stem there is no crown. The fruit is fleshy Kapul there are two types of white and yellow fleshy kapul.
Kapul fleshy yellow fruit
Kapul white fleshy
If the mangosteen fruit each consisting of five seeds, kapul only consists of four pieces only. The color of white flesh fruit. There is also kapul a yellow flesh. Feel like? Just taste the mangosteen.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpJHspFm
Kapul fleshy yellow fruit
Kapul white fleshy
If the mangosteen fruit each consisting of five seeds, kapul only consists of four pieces only. The color of white flesh fruit. There is also kapul a yellow flesh. Feel like? Just taste the mangosteen.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpJHspFm
fruit Rambai Rambai fruit this season once a year
Rambai fruit this season once a year. Rambai fruit taste sour and sweet, with fruit that contains the segment 2-4. The fruit is almost similar to the tan / Duku, who membedakanyaRambai Indomalesia spread from the Pacific toward the West. Usually the fruit rambai emergence is a sign that the fruit of the season will end soon.
Alhamdulillah, some types of fruits have been tasted in the fruit season this time. Actually there are many fruits typical of the interior that have not had time to feel because it's not too much is produced and sold only in certain areas, such as red durian fruit, and fruit lahong tarap.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpIfWMvD
Alhamdulillah, some types of fruits have been tasted in the fruit season this time. Actually there are many fruits typical of the interior that have not had time to feel because it's not too much is produced and sold only in certain areas, such as red durian fruit, and fruit lahong tarap.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpIfWMvD
fruit Ihau One fruit is known by several names names
One fruit is known by several names names. Some call Ihau, society Tanjungselor Kabupaen Bulungan called Cats Eye for the content of the fruit and seeds are similar to cat's eyes are shining, while the Kenyah Dayak people in West Kutai District Tering called Duku.
Ihau fruit is a fruit native to East Kalimantan (and probably also exist in the forests of other regions, including in the forests of Borneo and Brunei Darussalam Malaysa). It was round for the marbles of the fruit flesh with a sweet taste similar Klengkeng which also resembles a fruit-flavored Klengkeng. No wonder some people call it a fruit Klengkeng city native Borneo.
Like the trees growing jungle of Borneo, tree trunks ihau has a large and sturdy and tall. Have two kinds of colors, namely yellow and some are brownish green, making ihau or cat's eye is as fine cuisine of the monkeys, hornbills and other wildlife.
At this time the fruit season (December-February) Ihau fruit can still be found in the market-traditional markets in the hinterland of the Mahakam. But this time Ihau fruit can also be found on a roadside fruit seller in Samarinda. When asked the origin of the fruit, the seller is no longer the answer came from a kind of hinterland Mahakam dense forests, but the fruit has been dikebunkan ihau by farmers on the outskirts of the city of Samarinda, precisely in the Village District Lempake North Samarinda.
If the first people selling fruit in a measure ihau former small size cans of milk, fruit is now sold by the dose kilograms ihau like other fruits. The price of a kilo of fruit traders offered ranged from 15,000 to Rp. 20,000. This price is quite reasonable that compete with imported fruits Klengkeng especially considering the scarcity of this fruit.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpI9hwkW
Ihau fruit is a fruit native to East Kalimantan (and probably also exist in the forests of other regions, including in the forests of Borneo and Brunei Darussalam Malaysa). It was round for the marbles of the fruit flesh with a sweet taste similar Klengkeng which also resembles a fruit-flavored Klengkeng. No wonder some people call it a fruit Klengkeng city native Borneo.
Like the trees growing jungle of Borneo, tree trunks ihau has a large and sturdy and tall. Have two kinds of colors, namely yellow and some are brownish green, making ihau or cat's eye is as fine cuisine of the monkeys, hornbills and other wildlife.
At this time the fruit season (December-February) Ihau fruit can still be found in the market-traditional markets in the hinterland of the Mahakam. But this time Ihau fruit can also be found on a roadside fruit seller in Samarinda. When asked the origin of the fruit, the seller is no longer the answer came from a kind of hinterland Mahakam dense forests, but the fruit has been dikebunkan ihau by farmers on the outskirts of the city of Samarinda, precisely in the Village District Lempake North Samarinda.
If the first people selling fruit in a measure ihau former small size cans of milk, fruit is now sold by the dose kilograms ihau like other fruits. The price of a kilo of fruit traders offered ranged from 15,000 to Rp. 20,000. This price is quite reasonable that compete with imported fruits Klengkeng especially considering the scarcity of this fruit.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpI9hwkW
fruit Wanyi This wanyi fruit flesh white colored sweet smelling acidic and very sharp.
This wanyi fruit flesh white colored sweet smelling acidic and very sharp. oval fruits such as mango, its size is greater than mangoes.
there is a danger of this wanyi riding, tree sap that is, if we are exposed to the sap effect is itching.
Fruit wanyi living in Kalimantan forests, and most numerous in East Kalimantan, unfortunately in this fruit is hard to see what areas in the cities,. Even if there is only one tree palingan are still alive.
but if in the woods may be still a lot of the meet. sangking scarcity of seeds nanama Thank God I've aged a year. hehee
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpHhKoM4
there is a danger of this wanyi riding, tree sap that is, if we are exposed to the sap effect is itching.
Fruit wanyi living in Kalimantan forests, and most numerous in East Kalimantan, unfortunately in this fruit is hard to see what areas in the cities,. Even if there is only one tree palingan are still alive.
but if in the woods may be still a lot of the meet. sangking scarcity of seeds nanama Thank God I've aged a year. hehee
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/11/25-buah-buahan-dari-pedalaman.html # ixzz1XpHhKoM4
Fruits of the Outback Borneo Visiting Borneo in the season when the fruit is an incomparable gift
Visiting Borneo in the season when the fruit is an incomparable gift. Especially if you are willing to enter the forest. We will be pampered by nature with a variety of fruit that we can not get in the market, especially in supermarkets. November to March is the month that is suitable for fruit hunting forest of East Kalimantan.
There are many more types of fruit that was strange and sensational, both in terms of shapes and flavors. The fruits are even known only by a few villages only. Do not try to look it up in the city districts. In the different villages we will get a different type of fruit. Here are a few that I bring as a gift for you from the forest areas in the District Kelay Lesan, Berau, East Kalimantan.
There are many more types of fruit that was strange and sensational, both in terms of shapes and flavors. The fruits are even known only by a few villages only. Do not try to look it up in the city districts. In the different villages we will get a different type of fruit. Here are a few that I bring as a gift for you from the forest areas in the District Kelay Lesan, Berau, East Kalimantan.
Hydnora Africana Flowers with skin color is a parasitic plant
Flowers with skin color is a parasitic plant that will attack the roots of shrubs in arid areas in the deserts of South Africa.
Flowers that bloom with the smell of this is aimed to attract insects, especially beetles commonly feed on rotting animal carcasses.
source: http://jelajahunik.blogspot.com/2010/12/4-bunga-paling-unik-di-dunia.html
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/4-jenis-bunga-berkarakter-unik-di-dunia.html # ixzz1XpGLYRD9
Flowers that bloom with the smell of this is aimed to attract insects, especially beetles commonly feed on rotting animal carcasses.
source: http://jelajahunik.blogspot.com/2010/12/4-bunga-paling-unik-di-dunia.html
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/4-jenis-bunga-berkarakter-unik-di-dunia.html # ixzz1XpGLYRD9
Amorphophallus Literally, the meaning of this word is "penis without form"
Dracunculus Vulgaris Flowers are usually performed with fragrance
Rafflesia Arnoldi Unique Character Types of Flowers in the World
Parasitic plant has the world's largest petals, which can reach a diameter of 1 meter. This flower is brightly colored, with spots of white spots.
These flowers smell rotten and have the middle like a bowl that can accommodate about 5-6 liters of fluid. These flowers have no leaves, stems or roots at all. Just grow a ride on the roots of its host tree. This flower is native Indonesia turned out to know!
These flowers smell rotten and have the middle like a bowl that can accommodate about 5-6 liters of fluid. These flowers have no leaves, stems or roots at all. Just grow a ride on the roots of its host tree. This flower is native Indonesia turned out to know!
Senin, 12 September 2011
Vetiver plant can control dengue fever mosquito populations.
Vetiver plant can control dengue fever mosquito populations. Dengue fever mosquito, said the fear of vetiver plants. Nyengat smell that comes out of this plant is quite deadly to mosquitoes that type.
If you want to repel mosquitoes were able to use the plants and not only with a mosquito coil or spray, mosquito repellent plants can also be a powerful weapon mosquito repellent. Besides safe for health, good for the environment and also really beautiful to decorate the room!
source: http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2009/12/11-tanaman-pengusir-nyamuk.html
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkcRlcil
If you want to repel mosquitoes were able to use the plants and not only with a mosquito coil or spray, mosquito repellent plants can also be a powerful weapon mosquito repellent. Besides safe for health, good for the environment and also really beautiful to decorate the room!
source: http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2009/12/11-tanaman-pengusir-nyamuk.html
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkcRlcil
citronella fragrance Lemongrass has been known as one of the ingredients that are often used as a spice in cooking
Lemongrass has been known as one of the ingredients that are often used as a spice in cooking, but there are other benefits that are no less important as a mosquito repellent plants. Plants belonging to the grasses are not preferred because of the mosquitoes substances geraniol and citronellal. Extracts of lemon grass has also been utilized in the manufacture of mosquito repellent lotion with the scent of this khas.klo gan mah many growing in the yard, do you include the type of weeds as well.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkbvWzVP
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkbvWzVP
zodia People used to rub the skin with Papua certain leaves before entering the forest.
People used to rub the skin with Papua certain leaves before entering the forest. The point to be protected from the attack of insects, particularly mosquitoes. The leaves are from plants called zodia (Evodia suaveolens). We know, this zodia native to Indonesia from Papua.HARGA 15.000,25.000,45.000 dependent plant age and size of the pot.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkbWdvSn
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkbWdvSn
Kecombrang, kantan, or honje (Etlingera eliator; synonym Nicolaia elatior, Phaeomeria speciosa)
Kecombrang, kantan, or honje (Etlingera eliator; synonym Nicolaia elatior, Phaeomeria speciosa) is a kind of spices and herbs is an annual plant that terna-shaped flowers, fruits, and seeds are used as a vegetable. These flowers can also repel other nyamuk.Nama is kincung (Medan) and siantan (Malaya). Thai people call this plant kaalaa.harga just 1500/satuannya
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1Xkb55p00
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1Xkb55p00
Marigold came from Baja and Guatemala.
Marigold came from Baja and Guatemala. There are two types of marigold Tagetes erecta (African Mari ¬ gold) and Tagetes patula (French Marigold Dwarf), usually used for planting flowers in the garden path. Both were identified by the name of Indonesia as interest rates with tai ayam.biasanya sold 25,000 / pot
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkabDLC1
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkabDLC1
mintrosa of lady diana
almost the same as cintrosa plants, this plant is also highly unpopular mosquito
.perawatannya very easy and is usually used as an ornamental house plants.plant also remove the smell or odor is very strong so hated by masquito.plant is derived from such belanda.sama citrosa,
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkaAlsHb
.perawatannya very easy and is usually used as an ornamental house plants.plant also remove the smell or odor is very strong so hated by masquito.plant is derived from such belanda.sama citrosa,
hard to find this import flowers.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkaAlsHb
citrosa mosquito This plant is the enemy of mosquitoes
This plant is the enemy of mosquitoes .... and loved the light matahari.merawatnya quite easy and requires no special treatment, just with water and pupuk.ketika touched, the plant was issued a very strong lemon scent that will drive this serangga.tumbuhan derived from gan price belanda.untuk not know, because flower imports so difficult nemuinnya rada
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkZiB1nC
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkZiB1nC
Rosemary flowers The aroma of this flower like talon oil, fragrance is not it? But mosquitoes do not like, mosquitoes can be stressful and averse approach.
The aroma of this flower like talon oil, fragrance is not it? But mosquitoes do not like, mosquitoes can be stressful and averse approach. Tamanan will grow well under sunlight and requires adequate water. Flowers Rosemery suitable land planted in pots or in the window even close pintu.harga rosemary plants per pot with 50cm height range 10000-15000 rb.
Basil, tlasih, basil, or basilikum (Ocimum) is a class that utilized terna leaves, flowers, and seeds as a spice and a refreshing (tonic). Various parts of this plant distinctive smell and taste, sometimes unpleasant, fragrant, or sweet, depending kultivarnya. Some of them can even make mabuk.tumbuhan is also useful to repel mosquitoes. Several types of basil, such as basil, comes from Southeast Asia, but mostly ascribed to the subcontinent, many in Indonesia India.klo gan and the price is cheap.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkZH4Wjd
Basil, tlasih, basil, or basilikum (Ocimum) is a class that utilized terna leaves, flowers, and seeds as a spice and a refreshing (tonic). Various parts of this plant distinctive smell and taste, sometimes unpleasant, fragrant, or sweet, depending kultivarnya. Some of them can even make mabuk.tumbuhan is also useful to repel mosquitoes. Several types of basil, such as basil, comes from Southeast Asia, but mostly ascribed to the subcontinent, many in Indonesia India.klo gan and the price is cheap.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkZH4Wjd
Lavender flowers This plant is indigenous from the Swiss Alps in the State of purple, clustered tip of the stalk.
This plant is indigenous from the Swiss Alps in the State of purple, clustered tip of the stalk. These plants usually adorn meadow at the foot of the Alps was beautiful. But the mosquitoes really do not like, because the scent of this flower makes mosquito dizzy. Why? Because lavender contains linalool and lynalyl acetate. Both of these substances can be obtained from the refining process to be made into anti-mosquito.
Do we have to distill the lavender? Well hassle dong, we just planted them in pots or soil near the bedroom window kita.harganya 5000-7000 rb / plastic bags size 3 x 5 cm, approximately 30-50 seeds lavender it ready for planting.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkYZjNmR
Do we have to distill the lavender? Well hassle dong, we just planted them in pots or soil near the bedroom window kita.harganya 5000-7000 rb / plastic bags size 3 x 5 cm, approximately 30-50 seeds lavender it ready for planting.
source: http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/12/tanaman-tanaman-yang-ampuh-mengusir.html # ixzz1XkYZjNmR
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