
Senin, 12 September 2011

Sansivieria, Ornamental Plants Hundreds absorbers Type Poisons

An interesting fact, that the U.S. Institute of Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) to plant thousands of Sansevieria near nuclear installations. Planting site is only about 10-25 meters away from the nuclear installation. When a current leak, then the thousands of Sansevieria it will mute it.
Yes, it turns out Sansevieria ornamental plants or also known as tongue-in-law is antipolutan plant and also an antidote to radiation.
Several studies have shown that Sanseveira able to absorb the 107 types of toxins. Including toxins contained in air pollution (carbon monoxide), poison cigarettes (nicotine), and even nuclear radiation.
Other research can be concluded that for the indoor area of ​​100m3 Sansevieria Lorentii placed sufficiently mature leaves 5 pieces so that the room is free of pollutants.
Specific traits that are rarely found in other plants, including ability to live in the range of temperature and light a vast, highly resistant to harmful air gases (pollutants), even able to absorb them so that in dense traffic areas.
And in a room full of smoke nicotine used as antipolutan (air freshener). While in Africa Sansevieria sap used as an anti-venom snakes and insects.
As an ornamental plant Sansevieria very easily treated and do not require much land. Sansiveria (tongue-in-law) indeed we often encounter in the courtyard houses in the villages, whether it was planted around the fence or in pots, but maybe we do not know much would one of the functions of anti-pollutants and radiation, so for those who have hunted us planting in our homes.

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